An Urgent Call to Speak Truth

Karen hunt

“There can be no doubt that a historic battle is shaping up. I expect it to get worse. The hour is later than any of us realize.”
Dave Hunt on censorship of Seduction of Christianity, 1987

I am not sure how much longer my voice will be available online. The battle is intensifying, but it is a subtle one that cannot be clearly defined. People give me all kinds of advice. A friend told me today, “It’s about the words you use, you have to be careful not to use certain words, so the algorithms don’t get you.”

But isn’t that exactly what we are fighting for? To be able use the words we want, when we want. If everyone starts tiptoeing around the algorithms, that is not free speech. That is worse than the heavy boot of communism because it is so deceptive. It means everyone is imprisoning themselves and thinking they are smart for doing so. The government no longer needs to censor anyone. People can speak freely inside the prisons of their own making, to other prisoners who think the same.

My issues with Google and Microsoft are escalating. I am not a big voice, but I think those of us who have been identified as renegades, meaning we refuse to comply with fitting into the boxes they want us confined to, are probably being targeted. Plenty of big names have no problem saying what they want, but that is because they have agreed to the box, where they can have thousands, perhaps millions of followers, and they are sponsored by the powerful people/companies to whom they are now answerable.

Just like giving in to the algorithms, once you give in to big money, you are no longer free, no matter how much you insist that you are. You become beholden to your new masters. You get used to the fame, the constant acknowledgement of how important you are, and all the luxuries that go with it. It’s another form of addiction. This is something I will never do. I do not use the word “never” lightly. I use it with a lot of respect for words and their meanings.

Of course, we all have to earn a living. I cannot survive without my paid subscribers. I wish I could, if I could I would get rid of the paid part. People say, that means you don’t value yourself or what you say. But it is the opposite. There is no price on the truth. I am grateful for the support I receive on Substack where at least I can say what I want without censorship. I will keep doing this for as long as I can. Although, a doctor friend recently told me that I need to take a break for the sake of my health. I don’t know. How do I take a break when I feel such an urgency?

  • I have now been locked out of my Gmail account for 48 hours. At the end of the appointed time, apparently, I will receive a code that will allow me to log in again.
  • I am unable to access my Microsoft account unless I jump through a series of hoops that were never required of me before. In a couple of months, I should be able to explain more about why this happened. I am researching some things about this and can’t really talk about it now.
  • I am censored on “X” because I publish on Substack, I refuse to pay for a blue check so Elon Musk can verify I am a “real” human and feed my data to his A.I., and I criticize Musk in my essays.

Freedom of Speech not of Reach is justification for a type of censorship that seems as if it is for your own good but it’s not.

Here, you can see the new CEO of X, Linda Yaccarino, talking about “Freedom of Speech, not Freedom of Reach”.

If you’re going to post something that is lawful but it’s awful you get labeled. You get labeled, you get deamplified, which means it cannot be shared and it is certainly demonitized.

It’s all about protecting brand safety. That means keeping the sponsors happy—the ones that give you money. That is not freedom. That is slavery to evil big companies that want you to buy endless amounts of stuff that enslave you further.

I’m sure it’s very nice to go on luxury vacations, for example. But if I ever spend “ten days visiting Rome, Pompeii, and the Amalfi Coast while berthed in a 160-foot yacht, courtesy of a close friend” like Dr. Robert Malone recently described, please become wary of me.

I was reading something that RFK Jr said today about his father, and it made me think of my own. My father taught me many of the same principles, mainly to speak out even when it means you are ostracized from the world you grew up in and the community that should be supporting your work and giving you an income. It means being fearless even when your life is threatened.

Of course, RFK doesn’t need to worry about surviving. He has enough income, family money, and millions of people who give money to his cause. But it takes a lot of courage, even so, to stand up against a powerful family like his, and say the opposite of the narrative. And there is no doubt he could be killed for what he says. I am sure he is not perfect, nobody is, but for these reasons, I greatly admire him.

And so, I want to talk about fighting censorship and facing those who want to hurt or kill you.

My father spoke out against the prosperity evangelists of the 1980s, even though it meant losing a lot of money and a bigger audience as a result. He just did not care about fame or fortune. He was not impressed by promises from powerful people. What he did care about was staying free to fulfill what he believed was God’s purpose for his life. It’s a wonderful thing to have a purpose in life that you believe in so strongly, no one can buy you.

Big evangelists like Robert Schuller, founder of the Crystal Cathedral, were bilking their followers of millions of dollars and it made my father angry. These charlatan “Christian” preachers hated him because he fearlessly exposed them in his books.

My father knew all about censorship—from the very people who claimed to be Christians. After his book The Seduction of Christianity was published in the mid-1980s, it became a phenomenal best-seller, causing a huge upheaval in the church and my father was viciously attacked as a result. This is what he had to say about censorship, way back in 1987:

Robert Schuller has great power, and when he declared on radio that Seduction (although he hadn’t read it) was literally “demonic, satanic, a work of the devil,” many probably believed him. Recently Schuller told a pastor at whose church I was scheduled to speak, “Dave Hunt is a devil; you can see the serpent in his eyes,” and warned that he would have to exorcise the “negativism” out of the stones of his church if he allowed me to speak there.

This was right after he had told a group of pastors, in keeping with his “positive” TV image, that they should never say anything “negative” against anyone. Schuller and Oral Roberts together convinced the pastor of a very large church, who had until then been favorable, that he ought to take Seduction out of the church bookstore. Schuller and others have been offered the opportunity to discuss the issues with me on TV and have refused.

When Hal Lindsey interviewed me on his Saturday morning radio program, almost half of his stations across the country cut him off as soon as they heard my voice.

On a recent trip to the East Coast, the church where I was scheduled to speak canceled under pressure. That pastor as well as others confessed in private that they agreed with the message of Seduction, but were afraid to let me in their churches because of extreme pressure from positive-confession and word-faith pastors who were very strong in the area.

My dad continued to live a simple life, even after his books became best sellers. He continued to turn down many big offers. He was blessed with a good life when for so many years he had struggled—we all had—to survive as he wrote his books and preached the message on his heart.

If he were alive today, I know he would be proud of what I am doing. He would be right there with me, speaking out in the ways he always did. He would continue to be a thorn in the flesh of those who comply, and they would not like him very much.

Standing with my dad and siblings on the East German side, looking toward freedom. I’m the farthest on the left.

So, back to my current problem. Other advice people give me is to just not use Google or Microsoft, etc. But the reality is, these monoliths control everything on the internet. Yes, I can use proton mail, for example, but I still have to access it through the internet. If I log into Yandex, I can access everything, but for how long—who knows. It, too, is connected to Google. Whatever search engine you use, content is still being monitored.

I have Microsoft Word on my computer and that is the way I write. My goal over the next few months is to get a new computer and to have an IT guy I trust set everything up in a more secure manner. But whatever I do, I will not change the way I speak or the way I write. If you look at my profile on X, karenalainehunt, it says:

Fighter. Writer. Renegade. Banned. Cancelled. Shadow-banned. NO SURRENDER. Bow to no man. REFUSE THE BLUE CHECK. Back-up breakfreekaren

So, I’m very clear about who I am and what I think. I engage less and less on social media. I cannot play the game anymore. I see people trying so hard to get the clicks and the followers. I despise the term “follower”. I don’t ever want to be called an “Influencer”. Over and over, people repeat the same things in the echo chamber, or try to come up with bombshell posts that word it a bit differently, but it’s still the same thing. All the time and energy spent in this fake world; tales “told by an idiot full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” – William Shakespeare, Macbeth.

What does it mean to live by what you say? We have lost that connection to reality. Jesus said that if you want to be a disciple you must not “be willing to give up everything” but you must “give up everything” and follow him. Yes, be a follower of the one that truly matters. And I am talking to everyone. Because what Jesus said, his words apply to us all, you don’t have to be a Christian to recognize the truth of it. Calling yourself a Christian isn’t the same as being a follower of Christ, anyway.

What does this mean in our modern day?

What does it mean to stand up fearlessly, not violently, with love and understanding in your heart? I will tell you a story about that, because it, too, is a result of how I was raised.

As many of you know, I was living in Luxor, Egypt when the pandemic struck. I was staying with a friend of mine, Gitte, although she called herself Eva in the article I wrote for Egyptian Streets, but I don’t think she will mind me calling her by her real name here.

Let me tell you about what happened, the part that wasn’t included in that article.

I was there at the start of the pandemic and Luxor was considered the epicenter of the pandemic in Egypt. So, once the tourists found that out, it didn’t take long for all of them to scurry away. Luxor, especially the magical west bank, close to the Valley of the Kings, became a town of ghosts. Gitte had been living in her lovely villa for about nine years by this point, coming there every winter to paint. But during the pandemic, she decided she’d had enough, and she told the Mafia real estate agent who controlled much of the business, that she wanted to sell the villa. That’s when all hell broke loose.

Gitte was unusual, in that she really did own her villa. Yes, she had been taken in by a local man in the beginning and had signed an “Orfi”, a marriage contract, but she had soon realized it was all a scam. She was one of the few women who had lived for many years on her own, without once again succumbing to the advances of a local man to marry. Probably 90% of the foreign women (maybe more) in Luxor who think they own the villas or the cars or the businesses that they buy really don’t.

There is a saying in Luxor, if you are a foreign woman who has married a local man and you want to get out, you are lucky if you leave with the skin on your back. You will take nothing else with you. After my story was published in Egyptian Streets, many women contacted me, saying they wished they could get out, but they had no more money to do so. One woman messaged me that she wished she could tell her story of horrific abuse but if she did, she wouldn’t live to see the next day.

And so it happened that when word got out that Gitte wanted to sell her villa, her neighbor, who had coveted her villa for many years, decided it belonged to him and he would have it. Ahmed lived across the street in a large villa, and he had a very good tourist business.

There’s a lot more to this story, much intrigue and oddities that happened, but suffice it to say, the night came when we got word that Ahmed was going to invade the villa and take it by force. Remember, that by this time, we were essentially trapped in Luxor. There were no flights out.

All that day, we had seen men from his village arriving until by the evening there must have been at least twenty or so robed men ominously pacing back and forth on the narrow dirt road outside the villa, staring up at us with scowling faces as we looked down from Gitte’s rooftop terrace, wondering what they were doing. Now we knew.

As darkness fell, we searched for weapons we might use to protect ourselves. A hammer, a piece of wood, anything. We knew it would be pointless to try and contact the police as they would not come. It must have been around 9 o’clock when we heard yells at the back gate and someone rattling it, as if they wanted to come in.

“Isn’t there anyone you can call?” I asked Gitte.

She knew one man, someone who had tried to gain her favor and marry her (there was always someone trying to do this), and she thought maybe he might help. He said he would come and arrived not long after in his car. As he got out of his car, he was beaten with sticks by the men in the street. He had no choice but to drive away.

I tried to film what happened, but I was high up on the terrace and couldn’t see the street. Gitte was down by the gate, and she saw it. I heard the sounds, and it was terrifying. I posted what I had filmed on Facebook and asked for help from the other foreign women who lived in Luxor. No one responded.

It was then that we knew we were really on our own and in grave danger. I started to think to myself, hold on. I am not going to sit here passively waiting to be attacked.

In such moments, the choices one makes can mean life or death. There was only one thing I could do.

I went down to the gate to confront the men on the street. It was a beautiful blue iron gate, and the moment I came to stand there, the men stopped their chattering and pacing and stared at me in surprise.

I said in a loud Moudira (boss) voice that I wanted to speak to the man in charge. In my three years in Luxor, I had learned that if a man came at you loud and aggressive, you had to come back louder and more aggressive, never give an inch, never show one bit of weakness. Besides, this, I was already well known as an international writer and as someone who had started the first and only boxing club for girls in Luxor, as well as the fact that I had already stood up to a group of men despite their threats to my life and I had come out stronger because of it (a story for another day).

Of course, when I asked who was in charge, I already knew it was the neighbor, although I had never spoken to him. He was a tall, imposing man who was highly regarded in the neighborhood. He came froward to face me at the gate. A few of the other men came, too, and stood behind him like bodyguards.

There we stood, a man and a woman from two completely different worlds, facing off on either side of the gate that separated us.

I had spent a lifetime traveling and living in many countries. I loved nothing more than learning about new cultures and people. At that time, the United States was still probably the freest place on earth, despite all its problems. I have never considered myself a “patriot”, I always thought of myself as a traveler, but in that moment, I became very thankful that I was an American and that we had such a “crazy” president as Donald Trump.

It’s easy to theorize about things when you are posting big claims on social media. It is very different when you are in the real world, facing a dangerous situation where the smiles of the people surrounding you disappear, their masks fall off, and the hatred that lies beneath, that has been so deeply imbedded for more than a thousand years, comes to the surface, ready to be unleashed.

All the woke ideology matters for nothing. All the right phrases are gone. In that moment, all that matters is the reality of the situation and making the right choice.

“I’m an American citizen!” I said (in that Moudira voice). I explained that I felt threatened. I warned him that I would inform my embassy, the media giant, Egyptian Streets, and the whole world would know what had happened and who had done it.

The minute I gave my speech, the aggressive attitudes they had been showing retreated and the familiar masks of smiles reappeared.

“We love Americans,” Ahmed said hurriedly, and the men behind him nodded in agreement.

Right then I felt the pride of being an American in ways I never had before. Frankly, I knew it wouldn’t have been the same if Gitte had stood there and said, “I’m a Swedish citizen”. Or any other country for that matter. I came from the most powerful nation on earth and yes, my president was that “crazy” man, but he was also a strong man whose foreign policy was to be respected. People in the United States didn’t understand this. But it is a fact, I am sure, that if Joe Biden had been president at that time, they might well have torn me to pieces instead of backed off.

The result was that, instead of being attacked in the night, I was able to invite Ahmed in and he and Gitte sat down and discussed the sale of the house. Mind you, it was understood that she had no choice but to sell the house to him.

First, we drank tea and Ahmed spilled all his grievances against Gitte.

“Didn’t I always water the street in front of your house for you, all these years?” he said. In the evenings they always water the streets to settle the dust.

“Yes,” Gitte acknowledged.

“And did you ever invite me for tea or come into my home and sit with my wife and my mother?”

“No, I didn’t.” Gitte confessed.

It went on like this until Ahmed was satisfied, she had apologized enough. And then came the agreements for the sale of the villa. The Mafia real estate man drew up the contract and they both signed it around 3 am. Remember, this was the height of Covid, but no one was wearing a mask or keeping safe distances. We were inside Ahmed’s home, squashed together with many family members and children, all eating watermelon, the best of friends now.

That wasn’t the end of Gitte’s problems. She was tormented endlessly after that, in the hopes that she would be terrified into signing away her rights to be paid for the house. Many times, she was dragged to the police station in the middle of the night. Claims were made that she was trying to sell the house twice and she would go to prison for it. Gitte told me that if I hadn’t been there, she doubted she would have ever gotten out of the country alive.

In the end, when we finally were able to leave the country, as I describe in the Egyptian Streets article, her taxi was surrounded by a mob of violent men, trying to pull her out and take her to the police station yet again. She called me, terrified, and I managed to get there before they had torn her in two—one man on each side of the car trying to pull her out. There was a police officer, just standing there, a man I knew, and when he saw me, his eyes grew wide, and he made a big fuss about telling the men to stop pulling on Gitte. The men backed off long enough for us to make our escape to the airport.

That still wasn’t the end. When officials took my temperature at the airport, as they were doing back then, I was in such a state that I had a fever, and they almost didn’t let me on the plane. After all of those battles, how horrible it would have been to have to say good-bye to Gitte and go back to face those men on my own. Thank God I got out.

Gitte did return not long ago to pick up her paintings that she’d had to leave behind. She was very careful where she stayed and left quickly. She wanted me to go with her and we had joked that we would ride bicycles as we used to, down the main street by the Nile, only we would wear burkas, and no one would recognize us. But of course, they would because we were both so tall and her eyes were blue and mine were gray. We recalled how we used to sit by the Nile, drinking very bad wine during Ramadan and saying, we will never get out of here alive.

But the point is, in the real world, it is actions that matter, not some post you make on social media. Anyone can be brave there. We will be required to be brave in the real world. More and more the choices we make will determine our fate. This is the urgency I feel. To not falter. To not give in and make compromises.

This is courage. This is what I mean when I say “no” to extremism. This isn’t extremism. This is simply the right way to live. There is nothing extreme about it. There is nothing hateful about it. In that dangerous situation in Luxor, on that dark night, I took action, but not with hatred, nor did I wait passively for things to happen. I would have fought if I needed to, I was prepared to fight for my life. But I was able to negotiate. Friends on social media did not save me or Gitte. They abandoned us.

In his book Live Not By Lies, Rod Dreher talks to dissidents from the communist era in eastern Europe about what held them together. A famous Christian dissident, Vaclav Benda and his wife Kamila are described by his children like this:

“Our parents were heroes for us. My father was the sheriff from High Noon.”

“Watching High Noon really formed our way of fighting against evil. Everyone was asking this sheriff to leave so that the town will have no problems from the bad guys. But the sheriff comes back nevertheless because his virtue and honor can’t allow him to leave.”

What a great way to learn a lesson—from a classic movie while living in such a dangerous situation. I can see it all in my imagination.

Fighting can mean many things and the most powerful ways of overcoming evil do not come from shedding blood but from remembering who we are and walking through the fire, not causing it. We come out the other side stronger. This is how we win.

Karen Hunt [aka KH Mesek] is an author and illustrator of 19 children’s books, the YA series Night Angels Chronicles and the science fiction novel, LUMINARIA: Tales of Earth & Oran, Love & Revenge, to be published in August. She recently returned from living in Luxor, Egypt where she started the first boxing club for girls. Having lived and traveled extensively behind the Iron Curtain, she is devoting her time to writing essays related to the loss of freedom in the West. You can read more of her work, or sign up to her newsletter, here. You can’t follow her twitter any longer, as she’s been banned.


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Categories: censorship, free speech, latest
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Sep 16, 2023 10:07 PM

““I’m an American citizen!” I said (in that Moudira voice). I explained that I felt threatened. I warned him that I would inform my embassy, the media giant, Egyptian Streets, and the whole world would know what had happened and who had done it.
The minute I gave my speech, the aggressive attitudes they had been showing retreated and the familiar masks of smiles reappeared.
“We love Americans,” Ahmed said hurriedly, and the men behind him nodded in agreement.
Right then I felt the pride of being an American in ways I never had before. “

Is this satire?

Are we supposed to feel sorry for Gitte? (she nearly lost her winter painting retreat – Oh the Humanity!)

I’m confused…

Sep 15, 2023 10:51 AM

Light the blue touchpaper and stand clear for an intra-faith dispute about the interpretation of a religious text. Which interpretation is a True Guide to Life on Earth and in the Hereafter?

Amazon reader approval 85% (mostly 5 star), so no censorship on that major inline market.

Who were the Bereans?

SBL Greek New Testament 2010
οὗτοι δὲ ἦσαν εὐγενέστεροι τῶν ἐν Θεσσαλονίκῃ, οἵτινες ἐδέξαντο τὸν λόγον μετὰ πάσης προθυμίας, τὸ καθ’ ἡμέραν ἀνακρίνοντες τὰς γραφὰς εἰ ἔχοι ταῦτα οὕτως.

Holman Christian Standard Bible
The people here [in Berea] were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, since they welcomed the message with eagerness and examined the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.

[Pedants corner: St.Paul’s initial congregation was among Diaspora Jews who followed Christ, not only in Greater Syria (modern Turkey) but in Greco-Roman cities like Alexandria, Thessalonika and Rome. The evolution and spread of Christianity — from Jewish Rabbi Yeshua and his handful of followers in Galilee to his brother James’s movement headquarters in Jerusalem (big enough to have a Treasurer) via Paul’s diaspora Jewish Greeks in Thessalonica to the final Orthodox Catholic churches in Rome and Constantinople (which then split into Latin and Greek — is a fascinating study, and one that is still developing. This article shows that the Christianity is alive because the Churches are still splitting — as live things must if they want to survive.]

Sep 15, 2023 9:04 AM

It is a very beautiful story.
About the technical part, after all it is my area of expertise, there are a few things to add.
“Other advice people give me is to just not use Google or Microsoft, etc.”
The issue with Apple, Google and Microsoft is that by design they nest like a parasite on YOUR personal devices, and this has the gravest consequences. 
Personally, I go a bit further, and as other commentators have suggested, it would be best to use a GNU/Linux distribution or even a BSD fork. But I understand that some people need to use Windows.
If you have to, first and foremost, do it without a Microsoft Account and debloat it with one of the scripts available (Filezilla, Shutup10 etc). About Microsoft Office after version 2013: Turn on Wireshark or another network monitor and look what connections it establishes, and you will see that it is nothing but a keylogger.
Luckily, Office 2010 or even 2007 is actually feature complete and can be used if you have to, after the 2010 version basically nothing but malware was added.
The same holds true for Google and “its” Android. Go here 
and save everything locally, then delete the account. Since I do not personally own a modern smartphone, I cannot suggest any alternatives here, but I heard from the community it is getting more difficult to flash a custom ROM.
There are companies that sell degoogled phones though. 
Never forget that these FAGMAN corporations are hydra arms of the global enslavement, and that they want to be on your personal device because it makes it a lot easier to predict the reception and outcome of psyops more accurately. Do not allow that.
Have a great day everyone!

Sep 16, 2023 11:29 AM
Reply to  node

What is a FAGMAN?

Sep 18, 2023 10:00 AM
Reply to  judith

Facebook Apple Google Microsoft Amazon Netflix

Sep 18, 2023 1:01 PM
Reply to  node

Thank you.

Sep 15, 2023 8:45 AM

Speaking of truth, you overlook adl, you add the Christendom new world order throw in Jesus Andromeda plaeidian look e see appear out of no where on joke rogan bullshti boloney doctor who took 2 for the gang.
RFK jr clutching at straws fantasy.
sweetie, your not seeking truth you still stuck on mind,

les online
les online
Sep 15, 2023 12:56 AM

Hoomin History is one long story of enslavement, and servitude…
(‘You Gotta Serve Somebody’…(1960s folksinger)…
The past 150-200 years is an exception, an anomaly, an aberration…
The capitalist Industrial Revolution turned serfs into wage slaves…Though most jobs required a brutish mentality the rulers still had need of some slave intelligence to build the new Industrial Prison Complex – so allowed a hundred flowers to bloom, and radical workers pushed the envelope…So some (highly regulated) freedoms were granted…
Our Rulers gave into pressure and allowed the development of parliamentary democracy (The Democracy Illusion)…
China, a late-comer to mass industialisation, decided to skip the representative democracy stage and make a great leap forward into post-democracy total surveillance society…
The democracies are now in a race to catch up, impeded only by the hold the democratic illusion has over the masses…Meanwhile Our Rulers are withdrawing the freedoms they granted – they were never meant to be permanent…
Our Rulers know History is on Their side…They know the masses will always surrender their freedoms in return for security…That the masses accept there is security, and a lot less anxiety, in following orders (they do it every day at work)…
As for the few who cling to their illusions – there’s always The Camps…

Gordon mcRae
Gordon mcRae
Sep 16, 2023 1:48 AM
Reply to  les online

Your post makes me think of the 300…. A movie about a few determined warriors fighting a vastly larger army. I’ll keep clinging to the illusion that determined resistance can win the day. You can take your view of reality and head in the direction of the camp.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Sep 16, 2023 6:23 PM
Reply to  Gordon mcRae

Indeed, there’s one country that was able to secure universal health care of high quality, free education to the limits of the individual’s potential, basic welfare, and an equitable distribution of the national resources all thanks to the survival and subsequent dedication of 17 determined patriots.
But we don’t talk much about that hereabouts …

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Sep 14, 2023 10:33 PM

What a fascinating and beautiful article!

Yes, I’m afraid, we will have to ‘fight’ for freedom in the real world, not just online with words, if we are to win this battle against totalitarianism.

If it is at all true that “they” require our consent for them to do things to us that are harmful, then we must absolutely refuse, dissent and loudly declare our sovereignty.
That’s the right way to live. Not on our knees.

“You’re never wrong to do the right thing.”
– Robert de Niro (or, at least, his character) in The Intern.


Robert J.
Robert J.
Sep 14, 2023 7:45 PM

Get rid of Gmail, by all means! A few years ago, a close friend of mine (who is not a Gmail user) sent a mail to a regular correspondent of his, the owner of a Gmail address. Due to a glitch in their system, his mail bounced back 20 minutes later, Gmail claiming that there was something they didn’t like in it and that, accordingly, they wouldn’t forward it. Needless to say, there was nothing related to, say, child pornography, weapon dealings, etc. Gmail put some some links in their bounce message, allegedly to clarify things, but they led to pages that didn’t exist and there was no way my friend could even understand what had so displeased the masters.

In other words, Google “reads”, controls and censors mails sent to a Gmail box (not to mention that they most likely store them in some megaserver somewhere). Interestingly, his correspondent had received the original mail at exactly the same time, without any particular mention — thus proving that it was a glitch.

Following my friend’s experience, which I have now reported as well as I could remember it, I have ever since systematically refused to have any correspondence with Gmail users. Which can be very unfortunate, considering the inordinate number of bloggers, site owners and the like in the “alt” world who seem incapable of conceiving the registering of their own internet domain and have to fall back on such lazy but convenient solutions as Gmail (and even think you’re a fool when you point it out to them.)

Sep 15, 2023 3:22 AM
Reply to  Robert J.

While it’s certainly true that Google is little more than an arm of the government, what your friend experienced sounds more like a hacker pretending to be Gmail with the aim of getting into his or her computer. This is because any notice purporting to be from Gmail would have to be opened. And once opened, anything can happen.

Robert J.
Robert J.
Sep 16, 2023 4:47 PM
Reply to  Howard

Howard, indeed your comment is quite a sensible one, so I passed it over to my friend. His replies:

1. He takes very much care of his security (firewall, VPN, anti-malware etc.), and nothing suspicious has happened then or ever since (that was three years ago, actually).

2. The only URL in the bounce message was undoubtedly Google’s: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/%5Bcode%5D — but the link brought him to page that was a non-explanation of sorts.

3. He suspects that following his warning all of his contacts who were using gmail Google internally blacklisted his registered domain. Just as suspicion, he says.

4. Conclusion: https://www.quora.com/Can-Google-read-my-mails?

Sep 15, 2023 8:54 AM
Reply to  Robert J.

Also never be tempted to install Chrome. If you do, it may mess with the security of other browsers.

Sal P
Sal P
Sep 14, 2023 7:32 PM

While there are, unfortunately, no bullet-proof solutions to maintaining your privacy on the internet you can take some steps to significantly limit your exposure to bad actors.

* This is very crucial: If you’re using MS Windows, get rid of it immediately – if not sooner. You can harden it to some extent but not enough. Linux OS is a great alternative and is not nearly as complicated to use as some make it out to be. Linux is very privacy oriented and offers a large amount of compatible software that will work just as well as any Windows software. Linux comes in a variety of “flavors” but I recommend Linux Mint, as it has a GUI very similar to Windows (so less of a learning curve). You just have to make sure that your hardware is Linux-compatible. You’ll find many older computers and laptops are compatible and even the older computers will run much faster with Linux.

* Choose a privacy-oriented web browser like Brave or Vivaldi. Another option is Librewolf which can be installed on Linux, Windows or MacOS. Do NOT use Google Chrome or MS Edge. Some alternative non-tracking search engines are DuckDuckGo, Metager, and PreSearch.

* If your phone is running Android your options are a bit more limited. You can close your Google account and still use your phone but with some limitations. Another option is to purchase a de-Googled phone. They’re a bit pricey but may be worth the money if you want to dump Google altogether. A less expensive option: If you know a good tech person you could turn your current phone into a de-googled phone if it’s compatible with alternative phone OS’s like Lineage OS. iPhones are just as bad as Android phones.

Robert J.
Robert J.
Sep 14, 2023 7:55 PM
Reply to  Sal P

1. Browsers: Swedish VPN service Mullvad has now a browser of their own, a Firefox clone that’s even more strict than Librewolf. Freely available, even if you’re not a user of their services.

2. Search engines: Swiss meta engine harvests the results from 15 different engines, including Google, Bing, Wikipedia, Brave, but does so anonymously. Of late, DuckDuckGo has been known for censoring results; unfortunately it’s still the best for images.

Sal P
Sal P
Sep 14, 2023 9:30 PM
Reply to  Robert J.

Thanks for suggestions.

Tried downloading the Mullvad browser but getting 500 server error. Will have to try again later.

I forgot to mention using a VPN in my comment above. Very important.

Also what you mentioned about DDG is true. I typically don’t use it when I’m searching for controversial topics.

Robert J.
Robert J.
Sep 14, 2023 10:04 PM
Reply to  Sal P

Yes, there was an update this morning, and the Linux version is giving a 500. The Mac version downloads fine. I suppose they’ll get it fixed…

Concerned Citizen
Concerned Citizen
Sep 15, 2023 2:50 AM
Reply to  Sal P

I was going to recommend Linux Mint as well. Unfortunately, I was a witness in a Microsoft gender discrimination case years ago and experienced the same types of awful bullying. After testifying, I received countless denial of service attacks, hacks, naked pictures, shadow banning a purely technical blog with no politics on it, emails classified as spam, website down ranked, LinkedIn locked out, etc. This type of retaliation should be illegal.

Big tech is the global fascist totalitarian regime now. They appear to be above all laws. Big tech apparently are adding clauses in global trade agreements that governments cannot regulate them!

Big tech has gone way too far in threatening humanity and the future for entire planet. They literally want to computerize humanity with biotech and control brains remotely. It’s disgusting. Hopefully their virtue signaling staff will eventually not support the mass genocide of seven billion people. They empower pure evil.

Gerda Halvorsen
Gerda Halvorsen
Sep 14, 2023 7:12 PM

Karen, why in the world are you still using Gmail? ProtonMail, Skiff, Mailfence and probably many others are out there for free (although Proton now offers almost as much connectivity as Google, in their paid subscriptions). It is REALLY important that people who want to remain free and private dump Google and Microsoft (or use only Microsoft’s older products that don’t require cloud/online connectivity).

You aren’t going to change these companies, so get out and move on! Small conveniences are not worth the “price” you will have to pay in the end…

Sep 14, 2023 6:46 PM

Thanks for a story of personal resistance to systemic evil. This stance is the only thing that will bring us the Ecotopia that Universe is evolving toward, with our help. And the stance not only has to be freedom to act, but brainstorming the policies collective Humanity can create that will bring on Ecotopia and take us away from ruling elite capitalist’s Dystopia. The existing system must be reorganized from scratch when 70% of society realizes that’s what we must collectively join together to do. Weathering the accidents, the catastrophes of Dystopia is a losing battle. Not using Dystopian tools like Google and Microsoft is merely pragmatic, because they in fact DO NOT FUNCTION as tools for the Public. They turn the Public into tools for them. We must be smarter than they are as the functionality of their capitalist products peaks in usability as Humanity hits the wall of physical Earth and Universe. AI, 5G/RF, IoT, GE, GMOs, smart phones, drones, robots, nanotech, nukes, are utterly dysfunctional tools they use to prosecute domestic and foreign WARS for empire.

As we resist and refuse to accede to their demands, we must also have a ready menu of replacement policies that hospitalize this existing insane Dystopia, and incarcerates it’s operators.


Sep 14, 2023 6:32 PM

“That is worse than the heavy boot of communism because it is so deceptive”

Golly, seems like it has been taken over by the heavy boot of Capitalism.

Who would have ever thought that would happen?

Victor G.
Victor G.
Sep 16, 2023 6:40 PM
Reply to  shizandra

I think the author wanted to write “the heavy boot of neo-liberal capitalism ala Pinochet” but AI took over …
Still, it feels still good to slag communism, doesn’t it?

Bored now
Bored now
Sep 14, 2023 6:25 PM

Stop using Gmail, Microsoft and X.

Sep 14, 2023 6:14 PM

I’m still really baffled why offG hasn’t mentioned the Maui fires – regardless of what actually happened there – the cartoonishly grotesque response and subsequent sloppy-desperate cover-up is bordering on surreal

2000 children still not accounted for according to the public school system – while the death count decreases?

the relatively light coverage overall from normally relentless alt media is peculiar- to say the least – have we finally stumbled upon an event that has implications simply too dark to face?

the Maui fire hardly made a blip on Zerohedge and other counter narrative stalwarts

I’m genuinely confused

we don’t even need a conspiracy theory here to acknowledge the mind bending criminal incompetence that’s currently being buried with the desperation of a wounded animal

There’s something very different about this event – an eery miasma permeates from the Maui aftermath – some uncanny real-time recursive gaslighting and a mild widepread capitulation

regardless- the base level magic/horror/power has to do with frequency (energy) –
perhaps Maui gets a little too close to this fact

perhaps we’ve finally stumbled upon the one truth that the construct simply can’t afford to have exposed

Sep 14, 2023 6:38 PM
Reply to  Rueben
Sep 15, 2023 5:04 AM
Reply to  Rueben

Without the ability to travel, I do what I can to stay, as Joe Biden says, “laser focused on Maui.”

Hawaii’s Deep State Billionaires’Made men,’ the creation of defence and intel agencies, are appropriating the islands

Victor G.
Victor G.
Sep 16, 2023 6:43 PM
Reply to  Rueben

Well I’m still really baffled why offG never mentions Palestine, or at least the Palestinians but there you go … One takes the good with the not so good.

Sep 14, 2023 5:14 PM

Have to say that I didn’t think much of that article — it started off quite promisingly, but then degenerated into what seemed like self-congratulation. Moreover, if she’s still using “free” e-mail provided by Microsoft and Google, she can expect Microsoft and Google (whose track record she surely knows) to impose their own dubious conditions on its use. Why rely on the enemy’s products? If Microsoft are the bad guys (and indeed they are), then why use their stuff? Learn to use Linux — or at least ditch MS Word for Libreoffice. It’s really not that difficult…

And I had to laugh at this:

But it is a fact, I am sure, that if Joe Biden had been president at that time, they might well have torn me to pieces instead of backed off.

It wouldn’t’ve mattered who was President. She played the “I am an American” card, and mentioned the embassy. The locals knew what that meant and quickly changed their tune. (I’ve done similarly myself when alone in a scary situation, and it works like a charm.)

The poor man she called to her rescue who got beaten with sticks had no such privilege.

I did like the passages about her dad, though (I hadn’t realised that she was his daughter). I listened to him for years, and he was great. …He was like Socrates — a scruffy-looking, contrary old man with a mind like a steel trap. I was sad when he passed. RIP Dave…

Sep 14, 2023 7:00 PM
Reply to  Verity

I would say the oppoisite is true whether we are wre talking about the Weffy West ( except the US) , Africa or Asia…if a person reveals themselves to be a US citizen, people who had seemed calm and friendly start foaming at the mouth! ( I’m not American but that is what US citizens tell me)

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Sep 14, 2023 11:57 PM
Reply to  Camille

That’s why most Mercans will say they are Canadian when abroad.
It’s the entitled & demanding loudmouths that get caught out.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Sep 16, 2023 6:53 PM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

Canadian? You mean the nation that persecuted their dissidents as if they were ethnic Russians from the Donbass? That’s better? Wow!

Sep 14, 2023 4:51 PM

You wrote a great piece. Your Father was not only correct about the state of American Christianity, but also very brave to expose it! It takes bravery to stand against darkness and you found your fathers when you stood up to those tyrants. Reminds me of Paul saying “I am a Roman citizen!” Evil is now – and evil will become worse. Comfortable Christians will either be bulldozed into this world or will find the courage of Christ and his disciples to stand for God, justice, goodness and TRUTH! In a dark, threatening and angry world. God bless you.

Sep 14, 2023 4:40 PM

Just so you know…

Sep 14, 2023 4:38 PM

I’ve always admired Miss Hunt’s work, but I never knew she was the daughter of Dave Hunt whose work was also excellent in elucidating the realities of the World System. Her dad went very far sharing the truth that so many dismiss – that Rome is still alive and well and essentially generating all the insane things Off-Guardian does so well exposing. The Culture War rages because Rome makes it that way – government and government-enabled forces do the most heinously wicked things and all the fomented railing and remonstrating and rebelling merely feeds the beast. As much as Rome can get people to seek sanctuary there instead of in Christ they have done their work.

Sep 14, 2023 4:37 PM

You know Malone is a virus pusher right?
How can you be friends with a contropp agent like that?

Thanks tho – all the best

Sep 14, 2023 3:39 PM

If this complaint is real, which I do not doubt, let’s have more detail!

I describe the same personal experience, under fire. As someone who truly grew up in a world observed by milit intel, it was because that is who my dad worked for.

When I state that ALT media is controlled – it is because I know what to look for. And when they censor me, that just serves to confirm.

“I am not sure how much longer my voice will be available online.”

Who is your enemy, bar the complicit media? Who are its servants except insects and parasites?


Sep 14, 2023 5:50 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

Bar the complicit media”?

The media are the entire problem.

That’s where all the propaganda that pollutes the brains of a huge percentage of our fellow human beings comes from.

Sep 14, 2023 7:42 PM
Reply to  wardropper

No it is the bastards that own the media who are the entire problem.

Sep 14, 2023 11:52 PM
Reply to  Violet

I reckon we’re quibbling unnecessarily here.
If you prefer, it’s the bastards that own the media AND their opportunistic staff who are the entire problem.

My point is just that you’d have a hard time finding anything else in society that is as blameworthy as the media – all of them.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Sep 15, 2023 12:07 AM
Reply to  wardropper

I somewhat agree, but we are at a point where the controllers have the staff by the monetary balls so to speak. If ever questioned you’ll hear the same answer about paying the bills is the only reason they don’t leave their job.

Sep 15, 2023 4:56 PM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

That’s the truth for sure.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Sep 15, 2023 12:34 AM
Reply to  wardropper

It never fails to amaze me how people still view the mainstream media as in any way independent. They’re simply another branch of government, The Ministry of Information, the purpose of which is to lie, confuse, obfuscate, lead and mislead etc.

Just as a hammer does not pick itself up and begin to drive nails, neither does the media “report” anything without a hand to guide it or a script to be read from. The MSM is subject to interests greater than itself.

“Journalists”? More accurately, professional liars, propagandists, and intelligence assets.

Sep 15, 2023 5:10 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

I spent 35 years in the state corporate media. And it took that long to realise how it was controlled. Add 20 years of prior state education, AKA prolonged infantilisation, and you get my approximate age.

This means anyone under 50 or 60 is a blazing intelligence – and I mean that with respect, not derision – if they spot the control in less time.

Sep 15, 2023 11:14 AM
Reply to  moneycircus

“This means anyone under 50 or 60 has blazing intelligence if they spot the control in less time.”

Exactly. I was 55 when I realised that I would need to start digging if I wanted a Truthful answer to an innocent question:

Why were we, the peaceful European Union, dropping more bombs on Belgrade than Nazi Germany did?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 16, 2023 3:42 AM
Reply to  NickM

I was 45 when I dropped voting.
50 when I dropped MSM and TV.
55 when I realised all western ngo’s were intelligence operations to shape public opinions and/or make regime change operations.

Sep 15, 2023 5:08 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Surely we have to distinguish between what I call the state corporate media – ie state-owned, and owned by Mega Group corporations – and the technology of media which allows sites like Off-G and Substack to coexist.

Media means networks of communication. No-one opposes that, except the most nefarious organs of the Deep State who want a one-way Trumpet – or in the case of Marianna Spring, Strumpet – to declare The News and Da Science.

Sep 15, 2023 11:28 AM
Reply to  moneycircus

That’s what I remind OffG ad nauseam: the Medium is NOT the Message.

The media are simply the means of communication which are developing rapidly (5G and Satellite are now available on a handphone). .

The message is political control (whether censorship or mere slant) over who (or what) is allowed to be in communication via the media.

Keep the World Wide Web Open and Neutral!

Sep 14, 2023 10:28 PM
Reply to  wardropper

If the MSM have superiors who set the agenda, then they are not the entire problem.

Sep 15, 2023 5:19 AM

The owners of the MSM are not the problem. There are serious sources (that elude my morning Bloody Mary) that suggest that Rupert Murdoch and Michael Bloomberg could not have established their MSM empires without external finance.

They were not “bought” they were set up.

I have written at length about how my former employer Reuters is likely owned, influenced or controlled by the Rothschilds who also own The Economist.

The way the MSM works is not by reporting. They are not journalists as one imagines. They take their information from the “authorised sources” which are the news agencies.

Just as supermarkets or groceries receive their produce from warehouses, the wholesalers of news provide the content to the MSM.

It is a business, as Paddy Chaevsky explained in Network (1976).

Sep 15, 2023 11:47 AM
Reply to  moneycircus

“I have written at length about how my former employer Reuters is likely owned, influenced or controlled by the Rothschilds who also own The Economist.”

La Famille Rothschild also bought France’s Liberte’ (Leftist broadsheet) and its associate mag Charlie Hebdo. Charlie Hebdo sluiced an open sewer of Anti-Muslim and Anti-Christian jokes. The first editor to publish one mildly Jewish joke was fired on the spot.

Soon after, a fullscale anti-Muslim demo erupted, Je Suis Charlie, complete with professionally printed banners and a terrorist murder.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 16, 2023 3:31 AM
Reply to  NickM

They call it soft power.
Reuters and AP are the two head coordination centres from where all MSM collects their news.

Sep 15, 2023 11:34 AM

True. The problem are the owners of the MSM: are they good people or the reverse? Today most owners are filthy rich with little social conscience..

“The answer lies in the heart of man” — Einstein on Peace.

Sep 14, 2023 2:58 PM

IMHO it’s not so much about speaking the truth, I speak truth all the time, but in not wanting to hear the truth that is the problem.

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 14, 2023 9:14 PM
Reply to  Willem

True, but I remind myself that denial is the first stage of acceptance. I also remind myself of my many past stages of denial and am sure that I have many more denials to break through in the future. Question everything.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 15, 2023 4:06 AM
Reply to  May Hem

But before you can deny, you must hear the issue and these people dont want to hear, see, feel or sense anything.
These people can smell a conspiracy nut on 5 km distance, and will drive the opposite way to avoid to see you even open your mouth.
They are allergic to read anything you propose, they refuse to see any video, and you get a thumb down if you show a big poster in front of them as they simply feel uncomfortable about any reference to reality.

Sep 15, 2023 11:58 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

That has been my experience. Curiously, I meet these “verkrampte” (cramped) minds more among indignant university graduates with higher degrees. People with a lighter burden of exam-passing tend to react more genially; they give me space to air my views, perhaps even agree for the sake of peace before turning to their business.

Sep 15, 2023 6:51 PM
Reply to  May Hem

denial is acceptance. Black is white.

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 15, 2023 10:57 PM
Reply to  Camille

Denial is not acceptance. It is the first step towards acceptance (which can take some time to arrive if at all.)

Sep 15, 2023 11:01 PM
Reply to  May Hem

denial is the first step towards acceptance ..which may never arrive..so it’s not the first step towards acceptance then is it?

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 15, 2023 11:08 PM
Reply to  Camille

Hi Camille. I don’t follow your logic here. Some get stuck in denial for all of their lives. Others break through their denial. We’ll all different.

Sep 15, 2023 11:22 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Yeas, yes, they never get to the state of acceptance but it’s the first stage of acceptance. You’re not making a lot of sense.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Sep 16, 2023 7:04 PM
Reply to  Camille

Are you a native speaker of English?

Sep 15, 2023 11:48 AM
Reply to  Willem

“None so deaf as those who do not want to hear” — New Testament

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 16, 2023 3:28 AM
Reply to  NickM

One more gold corn from the bible.

Sep 14, 2023 1:38 PM

It’s always fascinating to see how US citizens unembarrassedly feel entitled to (and benefit from) immunity to problems others have to experience, by dint of their US-citizen status.

Sep 14, 2023 2:58 PM
Reply to  October

I think it cuts both ways

Sep 14, 2023 5:48 PM
Reply to  October

I suppose if the UK was 4,000 miles up in the air, many Brits might feel the same…

It’s handy being a long way from the actual shells and bullets…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 15, 2023 12:41 AM
Reply to  wardropper

War is the worst. Thats why they are doing it. Because they know it is the worst.

Sep 14, 2023 1:29 PM

Download libreoffice. https://www.libreoffice.org/ It’s a complete office suite, free and better than ms word, in my opinion. I’ve written numerous books using the app.

Sep 14, 2023 4:24 PM
Reply to  Ray

“pick your battles” MS Office – especially the near-ubiquitous cloud version – may not be a battle worth fighting. You can save to MS Word Format in Libre.

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 14, 2023 9:17 PM
Reply to  RegretLeft

I use the Linux Ubuntu system and also have a Virtual Windows which I use for just one programme. I don’t open the Virtual Windows when on line.

I also have a de-googled mobile phone, which is usually left at home. I don’t want to be tracked and trapped. There are also faraday cases to help with privacy on mobiles.

Sep 15, 2023 12:04 PM
Reply to  RegretLeft

Libre Office can also save (export) to pdf. And convert pdf to text (with an app).

“Only connect” — EM Forster.

underground poet
underground poet
Sep 14, 2023 12:59 PM

We are always free to go solo and start your own website so you can bring your followers, say and criticize anyone you want, even Elon.

He does seems like a tough nut to crack though, (I was accused and deleted for not being the person I claimed to be) and is a busy worker much like Steve jobs was, perhaps he will dive into his work so deep that even he can’t survive long or get out of the physical hole he dug for himself, I’m sure he is well on his way though and very happy about it. Isn’t life and fame strange?

Magnus The Older
Magnus The Older
Sep 14, 2023 12:40 PM

Sadly no more Viking invasions of our Germanic cousins
from their (unsuspected) north to be expected for a long
time. What a contrast on the coasts of southern Europe!

Sep 14, 2023 8:11 PM

The big K plan in action.

Magnus The Older
Magnus The Older
Sep 15, 2023 12:30 AM
Reply to  Violet

Whatever “K” is we all should agree. It is rather a J plan I would say, but that topic is extremely “forbidden” (especially because of that). Thx for your contribution.

We northern Germans are aversive to anything that disturbs our view. That’s why we despise inhabitants of ravines. Of course, we don’t tell them, “You are idiots!” It is unimaginable for us not to have been born on the coast.
This little Scot girl has taken the gamble of taking a riverboat trip on the Rhine, biking and looking at the castles. Scots are probably closer to Rhinelanders (due to geological conditions) than we are.


In contrast to Emma, the North German man prefers a cruise on the open sea, which would bore Emma, while at the same time allowing him to examine in detail the technicalities of his means of locomotion.

Sep 15, 2023 9:18 AM

Definitely a j plan, I enjoyed the videos thanks 😀

petunia petherington
petunia petherington
Sep 14, 2023 12:36 PM

“An urgent call too speak truth”… quick…better get Christine Thompson on!

Sep 14, 2023 12:30 PM

speak speak goyim speak
just do not mention the elephant in the room
the 13th tribe

zioinism satanism the kagan khazaria
oded yinon is a big project

what is your role paying tax until
compost time

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 14, 2023 9:56 PM
Reply to  gordon

Always enjoy your posts gordon. I wonder if OffGuardian will ever reveal the main reason for the “war” manufactured event in Ukraine – to provide a new homeland for Jews, Heavenly Jerusalem”.

The Khazars are at it again!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 15, 2023 12:37 AM
Reply to  May Hem

If Ukraine is the ancient homeland for Khazars who now live in Israel and many other places, it could resolve a lot of problems:

The eternal rebuilding of Palestine would stop, and they would get Gaza back.

The Khazars have now their homeland back which is their human rights, and the Azov-Nazis must locate in Europe for example Poland, Slovakia and East-Germany where they belong.
Victory arrived after centuries of fighting for getting their ancient homeland floating with milk and honey back, that Prince Igor stole, and we have peace. Fixed.

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 15, 2023 12:28 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Peace? I don’t think so. Millions of Ukrainians must be slaughtered or evicted so that Heavenly Jerusalem can be created. That process is already happening.

Sep 15, 2023 12:45 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

“it could resolve a lot of problems …”

,,,in Palestine.

And create a lot bigger problems in Ukraine. It’s bad enough right now, with Ukrainian Jews leading Ukrainian Christians in a war against Russia — result, half a million dead Ukrainian Christians so far.

But far worse would happen if Ukraine won this “War of Liberation”. There would be an even bigger war between Ukrainian Jews (militarily aided by the U$A, UK, France and Germany) for the “Liberation of Khazaria” and Ukrainian Christians (allied to Poland or Russia or both) for the preservation of Slavic Ukraina. Such a titanic struggle in the heartland of Europe would make the present Middle East look like a picnic ground.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 16, 2023 3:08 AM
Reply to  NickM

We cannot resolve all problems at once. Palestine finally got their land back, and Israel will have to occupy new Golan heights in Ukraine to continue an ancient history.

Sep 20, 2023 7:18 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Are you kidding? Austria and Poland have got as much right to lay claim to Lemberg/Lvov as any other contenders

Sep 15, 2023 12:27 PM
Reply to  May Hem

From your second Link:

“Rabbi Schneerson: “The Slavs are Temporary Guests on these lands and are subject to Eviction. We will return this territory, and build the Great Khazaria – the Jewish state [in Europe], as 50 years ago, we created Israel [in the Middle East].”

This is an idle and dangerous dream. Firstly, because the Slavs in that region (Russians, Ukrainians and Poles) have a lot more firepower than the Arabs had in Palestine. Secondly, because Israel’s military muscle (Britain, France and U$A) is a lot weaker than it was in 1918-1948.

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 15, 2023 10:54 PM
Reply to  NickM

Hope you’re right Nick.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 16, 2023 3:10 AM
Reply to  NickM

Well, you have already seen what only one bolshevik doo can do in Ukraine.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 14, 2023 12:27 PM

Web Lived my whole life before I was 15yrs old. Last time you could say America was American was when I visited my relative Uncle and Aunt 1968, came over 1945 to Danville Va.
Americans don’t know of anything beyond their shore other than received shipping imo.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 14, 2023 12:24 PM

“Visibility filtering”. A simple way of censoring everything without you know it.

On the other hand I could agree that no one has the “right” to freely impose casual opinions to the whole world through a private owned site who have legal responsibilities.
There must be some filtering and this filtering cant be all perfect.

Internet is not a must. Its a subjective synthetic information central with too much bs.
We would be much better without, as this would enforce us to confront ourselves with the real physical world.

Sep 14, 2023 3:47 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Unfortunately, the internet is rapidly going the way of money itself: it’s becoming an absolutely essential way of life. Many creditors will no longer accept payment any other way but electronically – eventually, all of them will go that way, even utilities.

So while we can avoid the entertainment and intellectual aspects of the internet, we cannot avoid the beast entirely.

As for private ownership, forget it. Just like restaurants can no longer shun certain customers for not meeting certain requirements, so too can “private” internet providers and practitioners not shun certain customers.

You cannot call yourself “Open to the Public” unless you actually are.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 14, 2023 10:52 PM
Reply to  Howard

True. We have to accept the beast is among us.
It reminds me of a metaphor about who owns the child, the mother or the father:

If you put two dollar into a cigarette machine, does the cigarette then belongs to you or the machine?………….LMAOL…………that joke was so funny man.

Sep 14, 2023 11:50 AM

Did I miss something in the article? The beginning about freedom of speech is fine but the main part seems to be the Egypt story.As I understand it, the writer wishes us to understand that during the time that Donald Trump was president the writer ‘s friend was saved from losing her property in Egypt to a person who had no moral right to have it and the reason that the marauder(s)/. thief/thieves desisted was for one of the following reasons: he/ they a) felt positive towards America whilst Donald Trump was president b) was/ were afraid of America whilst Donald Trump was president c) was/ were afraid that they might be ill thought of if the story became known internationally whilst Donald Trump was president. Why is OFFG publishing the article? Is it supposed to be an interesting story which is well told ( so just a ‘fine piece of writing ‘ with no particular message? ( not my view; I don’t think it is particularly well written) Is it supposed to be a story with a moral/ something for us to learn? If it is, the lesson has entirely escaped me

Sep 14, 2023 12:44 PM
Reply to  Camille

It won’t be the articulate or the intellectuals that undermine the hierarchy of avarice Camille. It will be those with dirt under their nails.

Sep 17, 2023 9:28 AM
Reply to  Johnny

but will they undermine it? I wish they’d hurry up! I think Orwell was probably right. In 1984 Winston Smith wrote in his diary that if there was any hope it lay with the ‘ proles’…but there wasn’t any hope! Infact maybe we’re the proles cos we all like this publication and we write comments here. Maybe we’re just the insignificant proles and Big Brother is gonna leave us alone cos we can’t do anything. It’s better than nothing. At least there is free speech here. At least we can see that there are others who can see what is happening

Sep 14, 2023 1:01 PM
Reply to  Camille

The author is proud to be American, The entity that has butchered millions in the last few years. And proud of the arsehole that warp sped the deadly clot shot. A weird article.

Sep 14, 2023 3:58 PM

Perhaps if you had read the article instead of your own mind, you might have picked up that Ms Hunt was unexpectedly pleased that being an American just may have saved her life.

Would she and her friend have fared better in Luxor, Egypt, had she refused to call herself an American because of some overweening moral outrage over America’s heinous deeds?

What should she have done? What would you have done? Should she have said to herself: “I will die before I admit to being a daughter of the Great Satan!”

Sep 14, 2023 8:52 PM
Reply to  Howard

Well, Camille woulda screamed “God save the queen” and reminded them she’s a British citizen. Think those Egyptians don’t know the history of the British empire? But only the US has committed atrocities, there’s no colonial history in Europe, right?

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Sep 15, 2023 12:02 AM
Reply to  Howard

How do we know any of this is true ? Do Egyptians routinely tear people to pieces over property issues ? Their neighbour on the other hand drove 700,000 people from their homes.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Sep 16, 2023 7:14 PM
Reply to  Howard

She could have said she was Russian … I would have.

Sep 14, 2023 3:53 PM
Reply to  Camille

How about this “lesson”: the majority of commenters in this forum may not be quite spot on when they disparage “women’s lib” because women already have all the “lib” they will ever need?

Look farther than our own noses and we will see women still being treated like serfs everywhere. “Women’s lib” is anything but a done deal.

Sep 14, 2023 7:04 PM
Reply to  Howard

? If anything was it not about US lib?

Sep 14, 2023 7:05 PM
Reply to  Howard

I would say in Egypt that people know what a man is and what a woman is. In the Weffy West they don’t even know what a man or a woman is

Sep 15, 2023 3:42 AM
Reply to  Camille

If in the West they didn’t know what each gender was, they couldn’t very well come up with all these silly variations.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 16, 2023 2:58 AM
Reply to  Howard

Okey. So dear Howard pls explain what is women’s lib?

Sep 14, 2023 11:46 AM

You have a rare Power Karen.
‘The Courage to Be’
That Power will overcome their force.

Nicholas Creed
Nicholas Creed
Sep 14, 2023 11:07 AM

Keep going, despite the dragnet closing in. In spite of it. YouTube is now ThemTube. I wonder how long before Substack caves to the censors. I too often wonder what my dearly departed relatives would make of all this. Stoic Grandpa would surely have seen through the lies. When I was in the UK last Christmas, I visited my Mother’s grave, also marked with my grandparents. I sat a while and I told them I know they can see everything I am doing and I know they know why I am doing what I am doing. I told them I am trying my best to break through to our living family members, even though they are all mesmerised and think I am a conspiracy theorist.

These tyrannical times have shown us who we really are, just as much as revealing the weakness and cowardice in those closest to us.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 14, 2023 1:52 PM
Reply to  Nicholas Creed

American, I’ve actually no idea what you mean other than a popular US TV series of the fifies badge ZIV. You cant be seriously considering your under any restrictions privately. That’s rediculous.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 14, 2023 2:21 PM
Reply to  Clive Williams

Furthermore, on that if you are a legalised permanent resident of the US plus also have distant relatives here, whom I mentioned are US citizens in VA . It’s no problem other than my own financial situation I’ve been struggling with since 2008.
There’s a definite Social gap in America, with seemingly little in the way they continue to travel since Christmas 2020 imo.

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 14, 2023 9:03 PM
Reply to  Nicholas Creed

Perhaps they’re not weak or cowardly – just not yet ready to wake up, like an unripe fruit? For some sleepers the only way to wake is to receive a big shock.

This is the power of the planet Uranus, ruler of the Age of Aquarius. Those who have some knowledge of the ancient science of Astrology will know what I mean.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Sep 16, 2023 7:18 PM
Reply to  May Hem

I’ve always found Astrology fascinating. Why diminish it by applying the word “science”?